Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of joining a Assignment

Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of joining a professional association - Assignment Example rm, to voice and commiserate, and to provide affiliates a feeling that they are never alone in the hurdles opened by their profession in general (Kjellberg, 2013). Opportunities to discover new techniques, job options, among others, are priceless advantages to group members (Kjellberg, 2013). The disadvantages, on the other hand, of joining these organizations are needless fees, consumes a lot of time, needless expenses, socializing takes the attention away from career development and also they create a lot of pressure to achieve highly among its members (Harvey et al., 2003). Most professional organizations need the reimbursement of yearly fees. There might also be the first application fee (Kjellberg, 2013). Whereas $100 does not appear to be much, it accumulates when the individuals joins the national and state associations of numerous professional organizations (Harvey, 2004). Apart from the membership fees and applications, people also spend money on association lunches, breakfasts and dinners and gas expenses or transportation costs (Harvey, 2004). According to these advantages and disadvantages of belonging to a professional organization, I would opt to join a professional organization because I need access to the information, which will influence my practice. I also need people who will advocate for me in front of others and people who will develop me professionally, thus my decision to join a professional

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